New year, new list of places I wish to visit – and new contemporary art travel bucket list for 2023.

At this point, it is the third time I compile this sort of list, and in the past two years, I only managed to tick off a few of the destinations I was planning to visit. Is this gonna be the year? 
Is 2023 the year we will stick to our resolutions and plans? I really doubt so. 

I have to be honest, these lists are only funny games to dream about the future, and most of all find cool ideas. The reality is that, as much as I like planning ahead, I also really enjoy impromptu trips, or visiting destinations I never really considered before but that completely steal my heart. 

In fact, this is what happened last year, with Belgrade, Prague, and Marseille. I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. 
But, since dreaming is free and apparently, there are no Covid restrictions anymore (not even in China apparently), here are 5 destinations I would love to visit this year. 

And you, what do you have on your list? 

A view of Tel Aviv, Israel
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Tel Aviv, Israel 

Famous for its architecture, beautiful beaches, and amazing nightlife, Tel Aviv is also a great destination for contemporary art. The city boasts an incredible number of galleries, as well as museums and independent spaces, and all in all this young city has a vibrant atmosphere. 

Having worked with several artists in the past couple of years coming from Israel, I am particularly fascinated by the mix of cultures and influences present in this area. Not to mention the perfect climate and the far too many attractions the region has to offer. 

Easily one of the top destinations I wish to visit this year. 

Taipei, Taiwan 

Another destination that has been on my list for a while, Taipei seems like a great alternative to China, but not a lesser one. The city, with its almost 3 million inhabitants, might be much smaller than other megacities in Asia, but it has nonetheless a vibrant cultural scene, with biennials, museums, fairs, and many galleries presenting local and international artists. 

Not to mention, again, the very mild climate and amazing richness in activities, natural sights, and places to explore. All in all, Taipei and Taiwan as a whole make for a perfect long vacation, with a great mix of wilderness and culture. 

2023 Art Travel - Sarajevo
Photo by ADEV on Unsplash

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

By now, I can safely say that I have visited almost all the European countries, from north to south, east to west. And one of my favorite areas is definitely the Balkans. This vast area comprises several different cultures, religions, and populations, but all in all what I really appreciate is the openness and friendliness of people, as well as their incredible spirit and willingness to introduce you to their culture and traditions. In this regard, one of the few places I still need to visit is Sarajevo, a city that really fascinated me for its story and culture. Not extremely easy to reach, the city has nonetheless a nice cultural scene and I am sure I would enjoy a long weekend there. 

Bangkok, Thailand 

I guess I should stop compiling these lists in winter when it’s been raining for days. But here we are, and here is another city with a subtropical climate and non-existent winter time. But Bangkok is far more than this, and it’s been on my list for a while to be honest. The city is one of the raising stars in Asia, with a growing population and even faster-growing importance on the cultural scene. Thailand as a whole is a great destination for travel, being it cheap, but also safe, adventurous, and extremely beautiful. As part of a much longer trip to Thailand, Bangkok would be the perfect complement, with its museums and galleries. 

Lima, Peru

Last but not least, I still have to tick South America off my list of the continents I have visited, and Lima seems to be the perfect starting point. Despite the social and political unrest the country is facing these days, Peru is a fascinating country, home to some of the most beautiful sights in the world, from Cuzco to the Nazca lines, and Lima is an amazing starting point to explore the country. With its museums and galleries, the city is one of the biggest cultural centers of South America, and there are more than a few artists I know that live in the city and would love to visit. 

 Will 2023 be the year I finally manage to set foot in South America? 

Did you like this post? You can check last year’s travel bucket list here and here the one for 2021.

Cover image by Vera Gorbunova on Unsplash